So the next time you are wondering why your renewal application is taking so long, you can rest easy knowing that OSBI took the time to ensure that each and every SDA license holder truly measured up to the eligibility requirements outlined in the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.
Here are the steps the OSBI takes when your Self-Defense Act (SDA) renewal application is received.
Step 1 – OSBI receives your application, either a paper application or an online application.
Step 2 – Your application is reviewed. If it is too early (more than 90 days prior to expiration), OSBI sends it back to you. If it is too late (over 3 years expired), OSBI sends it back to you because you will need to process through your sheriff’s office.
Step 3 – Your payment is received. Credit cards are processed, money orders or cashier checks are deposited, and online payments are verified.
Step 4 – OSBI updates your application in our SDA program. If something is missing, i.e. you missed a question(s) or your pictures are bad, OSBI will contact you.
Step 5 – A background check is completed.
Step 6 – Responses are logged into our SDA program as they are received. If anything comes back on your background check, OSBI takes a closer look.
Step 7 – OSBI approves or denies your application based on the information received in accordance with the statutory requirements in the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.
Step 8 – OSBI prints and mails licenses and letters to approved applicants and letters of explanation to those who are denied.