MAP Report Details

Choose from a variety of reports to gain insights from your MAP Growth results. For details on each report, click the name.

Report access depends on which MAP user roles were assigned to your account—see "Required Role" under each category.

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Print Resources:

Student Level

Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator (School or District)

One stop for all student data

Advise each student + talk with family + set growth goals

Overall progress from all past terms

Class Level

Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator (School or District)

Growth projections, comparisons, quadrant chart

Plan, evaluate, and visualize growth

Interactive class performance data for a selected term, including norms and direct access to individual Student Profile reports

Analyze current class needs

Explore test content

Skills Checklist and Screening Results

Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator (School or District)

Percentage correct for skills

Percentage correct organized by skill and then student

School or District Level

Required Role: Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator. Also, School Assessment Coordinator for marked* reports.

Aggregate results across all terms

Present district results

Aggregated projections of performance on state and college readiness tests

Aggregated growth compared to norms

Adapt instruction and curriculum

Required Role: District Assessment Coordinator or School Assessment Coordinator

Exported test results in spreadsheet format (CSV):

Create custom reports
+ connect scores to instructional tools