Reach Lowes Corporate Office

Lowes corporate office is located in North Carolina. More information about Lowe’s, including their corporate address, contact information, and an overview of the company’s services and market standing.

How to Contact Lowes Corporate Office Headquarters HQ

Lowes Home Improvement Corporate

Lowes Corporate Office Address:

Lowes Corporate Address: 1000 Lowe’s Blvd. Mooresville, NC 28117 USA

Lowes Head Office Phone Numbers and More Contact Information:

Lowes Corporate Office

Lowes Corporate Office Number: 704-758-1000
Lowe’s Corporate Office Complaint Department: 1-704-758-1000
Lowes Corporate Office Complaint Department: 800-890-5932
Lowe’s corporate Office Fax Number: 336-658-4766
Lowes Corporate Stock Symbol: LOW
Corporate Website: Lowes Corporate

Maps and Directions To Lowes HQ Address

About Lowes

Lowe’s Home Improvement corporate office is located in North Carolina. Lowes is a popular nationwide hardware chain.

Lowes Customer Service

Lowe’s Customer Care Phone Number is 1-800-890-5932. The company does encourage customers to use their technical support system and help forums on their website.

Lowes Competition

Lowe’s main competitors included Home Depot, Menards, Ace Hardware, True Value, and Do it Best Hardware.

Disclaimer is not affiliated with Lowes. This website is purely for informational, review, and feedback purposes.

Lowes Horrible Install

January 26, 2024

A horrible install contractor Kicked off the job site!

I ordered 3 Jeld Wen windows, The windows look good, but when the installer started to remove the old windows, he did more damage to my mobile home and stated “That is how they are removed (see attached pictures). I told him to pack up a nd leave my window.

stacey Pendley

Lowes HORRIBLE Customer Service— left without delivery

November 30, 2023

I spent $1600 on a new refrigerator but when they came to deliver, they said they couldn’t connect the ice maker because I didn’t have a connected turn-off; however, there’s a cut-off in the attic, but they would not go up in the attic. So to remedy THEIR problem, I turned off the water from the outside and disconnected the hose MYSELF. All the two delivery guys had to do was bring the refrigerator and I would’ve reconnected the line myself, but they LEFT without even saying anything? I am demanding a full refund and I am buying my refrigerator at Home Depot tomorrow. SAME SALES, SAME PRICE SAME BRAND. Additionally, the two Delivery guys showed up with their FACES COVERED except for their eyes. They looked liked criminals looting in Los Angeles and it wasn’t even cold —-60° here in Dallas. 11/30/2023. I’ve spent thousands of dollars at Lowe’s, (floors, carpet, last refrigerator, washer, dryer, dishwasher, faucets, vanities, etc etc) but NO MORE. HOME DEPOT is my new store. Plus I was planning on putting up a new fence in the spring…too bad for Lowe’s. h,…I sat on hold for 25 minutes just to find out where the delivery drivers went. ….25 MINUTES is a very POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE. (That was after the 15-minute callback.) I did my part clearing everything out of the way and even moved my refrigerator,….Lowes failed their part. (See photos)

James Fossier

Lowes Web site says access denied

November 27, 2023

Your web site is not working. I keep getting access denied

Karen Flockhart

Lowes Corp. Office - Your Return policy is terrible

November 11, 2023

I went into Lowe’s to return something for a sink replacement cartridge on 8/6 /23. Found out from the handyman several weeks after purchasing that it was the wrong item and would not work. Note he did not open the package. So I went today which is 11/10 and was told we can’t take it back even with a receipt. Okay, store credit would have been fine even. Nope! Nowhere on the receipt does it even state about 90 days etc. I’m now stuck with an almost 60-dollar part that I had a receipt for even my credit card on an unopened item and you can’t give me a store credit? The girl said the policy changed not long ago. At least with Home Depot, they will give you a store credit. This place is a waste! No wonder when I had just been to Home Depot minutes before and right down the road they were packed. Lowes was practically empty. Not only do their return policies stink but the people there all have attitudes like you bothering them. I mentioned Home Depot’s policies because I was dumbfounded when she stated I couldn’t get a store credit, she abruptly said I’m tired of customers telling me about Home Depot. Well, Lowe’s policies and prices along with attitudes need a big change.

Lowes Store Website Location Issues

September 1, 2024

Lowes, website; Store location issues. The Pro Account log-in always brings up my store as a store outside my area. I have to change it manually every time I log-on. The ship to store information is incorrect as well. All my Pro address information is the same as my actual location. Whoever took over the website about six months to a year ago does not understand user ability. The site has become more and more programmer oriented. I have two suggestions for the site. Add a “Lists” button on the top bar beside the Quote button. And please put a “Return to Top” button on the page.