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GMHBA AnnuAL RepoRt 2010 - GMHBA Health Insurance" width="208" height="300" />
Ways to claim with GMHBA Online (extras only) Claiming online is easy, just visit GMHBA’s online member services area at gmhba.com.au/membercentre within two months of your date of service. Simply follow the link to ‘claiming’ and complete your extras^ claim and then your benefit will be paid by direct credit into your bank, credit union or building society within 48* hours. On the spot (electronically) To claim, simply swipe your GMHBA member card at the point of service. Your benefit will be automatically deducted from the provider fee so you only pay the difference between the provider fee and the GMHBA Health Insurance benefit. Some providers do not have this facility, so please contact them prior to visiting GMHBA to confirm. By mail Simply complete this claim form then post it to GMHBA (see address details below). Your claim, once received and processed, will be paid by direct credit into your bank, credit union or building society. Alternatively, a cheque will be made payable to the member and sent to their nominated address. With Medicare Lodge your medical claim at a Medicare office. Medicare will then process and send on to GMHBA Health Insurance for processing. Your claim, once received and processed, will be paid by direct credit into your bank, credit union or building society if you have already paid. Alternatively, a cheque will be mailed out to you to send onto your provider. ^ Extras include acupuncture, some alternative therapies, chiropractor, dental, remedial massage, optical, physiotherapy and podiatry. * Benefits are payable within 48 hours where bank details are supplied for a direct deposit into a nominated account unless there are problems pertaining to financial institutions or technological difficulties. Alternatively, a cheque will be made payable to the member and sent to their nominated address. Please note: you must keep your claim receipts for two years as GMHBA Health Insurance may request these at any time for auditing purposes. If your claim is for a service that is not listed, complete this claim form and post it to GMHBA (see back for postal address). Important information 1. You do not need to complete a claim form if the claim is lodged online by the member or presented at a GMHBA branch by the member (paid accounts only). 2. A claim form must be completed for all claims lodged by mail or for claims made by authorised agents on behalf of the member. 3. Claims must be accompanied by the original itemised account/s and, if the account has been paid, by the receipts. 4. Claims must be made within two years of the date of service or treatment. 5. GMHBA’s benefits are provided in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in GMHBA’s By-Laws. GMHBA’s member guide provides a summary of the main benefits and conditions or members are encouraged to read GMHBA’s By-Laws, a copy of which can be viewed at any GMHBA branch. 6. You will be required to provide additional documentation with claims for the services/items listed below. – A doctor’s letter of recommendation is required to be lodged with claims for the following items/services – blood glucose monitor, extremity pump, nebuliser pump, appliances, sleep apnoea monitor, pressure garments, GMHBA approved orthopaedic appliances, oxygen, medical aids, home and domestic nursing aids, defined accommodation (respite), nicotine replacement therapy patches, learn to swim lessons and blood pressure monitors. – An “Orthodontic Treatment Plan Certificate”, completed by the treating orthodontist/dentist, is required with claims for orthodontic treatment. You can obtain an “Orthodontic Certificate” from any GMHBA branch or by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 1300 446 422. 7. Benefits for unpaid accounts will be paid by cheque made payable to the health care provider or directly deposited to the provider’s account. 8. Benefits for paid accounts will be paid: – In cash at any GMHBA branch for claims less than $500, when claimed in person, or by an authorised agent or spouse (if spouse authority given). – By cheque, made payable to the member for larger claims, and mail claims. – By direct crediting into your bank account on request. This option is only available if your direct credit account details are held by GMHBA and your claim is for paid accounts. Claim Form September 2012 GMHBA Limited gmhba.com.au 60-68 Moorabool Street, Geelong, Vic 3220 PO Box 761, Geelong, Vic 3220 Call 1300 446 422 Fax 03 5221 4582 Email service@gmhba.com.au ABN 98 004 417 092